Wednesday, April 10, 2013

It Isn't Easy Going Green

By Billy Aldridge

Some people call them tree huggers.  Others use far more descriptive language to describe those people who are conservation minded.  Now I don’t want to sound like a zealot.  I do not want to receive a lot of hate mail when I say, “What’s wrong with going green, especially when it comes to plumbing?  While things like low flow showerheads and toilets, tankless water heaters and energy efficient dishwashers and washing machines can cost a bit more to purchase, when you factor in the savings in water and electricity over the life of the units, they more than pay for themselves. 

Water Sense Faucets and Aerators

While many of us know that we can save water by turning off the tap while we brush our teeth, most people don’t realize that water-efficient fixtures and aerators can save them money on every water bill they pay.  Called WaterSense, fixtures and accessories labeled as such are designed to reduce a sink’s flow by as much as 30%.  Studies have shown that families that replace old faucets and aerators with WaterSense models save an average of 700 gallons per year.  While this may not sound like a lot, bear in mind that this is equivalent to 40 free showers per year.  Also keep in mind that you will also save money on your electrical bill, due to the fact that your water heater will not need to heat water that your family doesn’t use.

Speaking of Water Heaters

Did you know that replacing your traditional water heater with either a tankless or hybrid water heater can cut your electric bill by as much as 30%.  When you consider that the water heater accounts for upwards of 25% of your electric bill month in and month out, this could be a significant saving.  Add to this saving the space saving that a tankless water heater represents and this could be doubly useful to you and your family.

The Star of the Show

 Energy Star rated appliances provides a way for businesses and consumers to save money while at the same time protecting the environment.  Established by the EPA in 1992, the agency estimates that Energy Star rated appliances saved $14 billion in energy costs in 2006 alone.  Since the average family in the US averages 300 loads of laundry per year, switching to an Energy Star model will save up to 20% of electricity and 35% of water used on every load.  Energy Star rated dishwashers are designed to save you more than 1,300 of water during the lifetime of the appliance.

Speaking of Water Savings

When it comes to needlessly wasting water, the toilet and the shower both take the prize.  Just like the energy gobbling water heater found in most homes that uses up to 25% of the electricity used in the average home, traditional toilets chug-a-lug water like there’s no tomorrow, averaging 3.5 gallons per flush.  Low-flow toilets on the other hand use an average of 1.6 gallons per flush, which in essence means that you will save more than 50% of the water used with every flush.

Another water waster is the typical showerhead.  If your showerhead was made before 1992, it will use an average of 5.5 gallons per minute.  Low-flow showerheads on the other hand use between 2.2 and 2.5 gallons per minute.  Can you say cha-ching?  Best of all, you can purchase a number of low-flow showerheads for as little as $9.50.  Added to the savings on your monthly water bill, and this could be one of the best investments you make all year long.

I hope that this blog gives you some food for thought when it comes to going green.  So call me crazy, but I think that anything that can save the environment while saving you money at the same time is something most people would want to embrace.  And while I may not hug many trees, the one thing that I always try to hold onto is my cold, hard cash.

Billy Aldridge is one of the Doctors of Plumbology at Aldridge and Sons Plumbing in Jacksonville, Florida.  Visit their website for more helpful how-to blogs and videos as well as 24/7 service for all your commercial and residential plumbing needs.  

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  2. Focusing on the "little" things adds up to big results in life and your water bills. Thanks for the tips.
