Thursday, October 10, 2013

Is it Time to Buff Up Your Bathroom?

By Billy Aldridge

While other parts of the home may take precedence over the bathroom when it comes to scheduling a redo, buffing the bathroom is one way to add value and creature comfort to your home.  Particularly if your home is twenty or more years old, updating fixtures, appliances and toilets can not only beautify your home, but it can also pay for itself in water and energy savings. 

Say Tata to the Toilet

Sorry to say it, but if your toilet was built before 1990, then it can be one of the costliest appliances in your home when it comes to water consumption.  Back in the 50’s it was common for toilets to use as much as 7 gallons per flush.  By the 80’s the norm was closer to 4 gallons.  Today’s high efficiency toilets can use less than a gallon and a half per flush and help homeowners save as much as 16,000 gallons of water annually.

High Efficiency Toilets (HETs) should be able to flush using at least 20% less water than is mandated by law and should not need to be flushed more than once to do their job. They should require minimal cleaning with environmentally unfriendly detergents. They should flush quietly. They should be user friendly and comfortable. And they should be available in a wide variety of design styles that fit with the existing (or future) bathroom décor. These are the guiding principles that drive our design of high-performance, High Efficiency TOTO Toilets.

Water You Waiting For?

Old bathrooms also have old pipes, many of which can be affected by hard water which causes scale which leads to decreased water pressure.  If you turn on the shower and receive no more than a trickle, this is due to scale.  Scale not only reduces water flow, but it can also cause back pressure that can lead to a sudden failure in pipes, many of which are located behind the wall.  If you notice a water stain that can’t be traced to its source, it’s time to call in a plumber before that drip, drip turns into a torrent that can cost you far more than having a few pipes replaced.

Another energy demon is the traditional water heater, which is not only affected by the same scale buildup as your pipes, but this scale clings to the heating coils which in turn reduce their efficiency resulting in higher power bills.  Speaking of power bills, traditional water heaters can gobble up as much as 25% of your total monthly electric consumption.  Today there are far more energy and space efficient heaters including tankless and hybrid systems.

Bathroom Tech

Another reason to consider giving the B-Room a makeover has to do with the fact that there are so many high tech additions now available to make tub time much more enjoyable.  There are all kinds of accoutrements to consider from whirlpool tubs and walk-in tubs to singing showerheads and TVs built directly into the mirror.

High Tech Walk-in Tubs include Hydrotherapy Air jet Systems and Waterjet Massage Systems available from Tub King that are designed for people with mobility concerns, but are great for anyone who want to enjoy the benefits of a whirlpool bath.

There is a singing showerhead called the Moxie by Kohler that can be programmed through your Bluetooth. Since water and electricity don’t mix, the unit is wireless and rechargeable.

Relaxing in the tub takes on a whole new meaning when you can watch a movie while you soak.  Called Mirrorvue Mirror Television, this product can be installed as a vanity mirror or directly in the bath enclosure.  If you’re worried about this tub TV steaming up, the folks at Evervue guarantee the screen to be fog free. So you will receive a crystal clear picture no matter how hot you like your water.

Other than aesthetics and energy savings, remaking the bathroom can also add real value to your home.  While a typical bathroom remodel can cost anywhere from $15,000 to $50,000, the average cost that is recouped when you sell your home is 60% or more.  When you factor in the added enjoyment your family will get from an upgraded bathroom, buffing up your bathroom might be worth looking into in the near future.

Billy Aldridge is one of the Doctors of Plumbology at Aldridge and Sons Plumbing located in Jacksonville, Florida.  For more helpful hints and how-to videos visit their site at


  1. If you put a TV in the bathroom some people will never come out.

  2. Wow, technology is now moving into the bathroom

  3. Great info! Small changes can add up over the years.
